Purchasing A License

To purchase a license for Gravity Well, print out this page and fax or mail it to us. We DO NOT recommend that you email credit card information over the Internet due to security issues. Therefore, until we get Internet credit card sales support online, we suggest that you order via fax, mail, or phone.

I have read the Software License Agreement and agree to its terms. Please send me ____ software licenses for Gravity Well at just $29.95 each. Add $3.95 to pay for shipping & handling. Please add 3.5% sales tax to deliveries to Colorado. Quantity orders of ten or more may deduct 10% from the licensing cost.

Today's Date: __/__/__

Software Version:_____









Credit Card Information: Master Card ___ Visa ___

Card Number: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Expiration Date: ___/___

Name (As it appears on the card)



Enclosed is my payment to:

Amount enclosed $__________

Licensing And Passwords Table Of Contents Software Engineering, Inc.